We have released a new service pack for Maya 2014. Please head over to the Autodesk site to download the application corresponding to your OS.
Many fixes have been made so please take a look at the release notes or the list below to see if any effect your workflow.
What's Fixed
Bug Number | Description |
Animation | |
MAYA-23241 | Fixed crash undoing the merge of animLayers. |
MAYA-25123 | Fixed HIK regression causing spine joints to have unexpected transform values after characterization. |
MAYA-25127 | Fixed hang in Graph Editor when massive numbers of keys are selected. |
MAYA-25620 | Animation not updated when setting a key with animation layers. |
MAYA-25717 | Fixed skinCluster binding issue. |
MAYA-26089 | Fixed issue with smooth skin clusters and popping vertices when painting weights. |
MAYA-26093 | HIK : Baking auxiliary effector is corrupting referenced file. |
MAYA-26221 | Global scale in HumanIK not working on Mac and Linux. |
Modeling | |
MAYA-21980 | Pre-selection highlighting flickers when camera-based selection is enabled. |
MAYA-22931 | Detach edge breaks locked vertex normal. |
MAYA-23694 | Fixed mismatch of vertex normal method on shape node. |
MAYA-22948 | Selection Constraints do not work with Marquee. |
MAYA-25787 | Fixed crash when using Artisan on a mesh with no UVs. |
MAYA-25797 | Fixed a crash when changing display mode after lattice work. |
MAYA-26348 | Remove the In View Messaging for soft select radius for better performance of Soft Selection Tool. |
MAYA-26500 | polyEdgeToCurve crashes when evaluating inputComponents if inputMesh is invalid. |
MAYA-24840 | Fixed an undo crash when using the Multi-Cut tool. |
MAYA-25524 | Polygon Constraint window "Reset and close" button randomly crashes |
MAYA-26697 | Surface Precision set to “High” causes NURBS in shaded mode to be drawn offset |
MAYA-23938 | Quad draw: construction history is always created when using quad draw and a transform constraint |
MAYA-23070 | Crash when doing a polySeparate on some meshes |
Platforms | |
MAYA-24829 | Maya on Mac OS X hangs on exit in TCIPClient::shutdown |
MAYA-26539 | CERs on Mac OS X 10.9 cannot get assigned to buckets |
Dynamics | |
MAYA-18962 | Maya crashes when creating Lattice deformer for nParticle that has been converted to Polygon. |
API | |
MAYA-20555 | Panel tear off causes crash when a plug-in tool is active. |
MAYA-24579 | Fixed a problem in the .Net dagexplorer (wpfexample) sample plug-in. |
MAYA-25019 | Can't unload plug-ins that are derived from MPxDataType. |
File Referencing - Reference Edits | |
MAYA-25752 | File referencing: post-load callback massively increasing load times (complicated by nodeEditorPanel data). |
MAYA-26262 | Fixed a crash with export as reference. |
MAYA-26477 | Parent reference edits are not persistent. |
mental ray | |
MAYA-20369 | Fixed a problem where Mayatomr plug-in was causing the scene to prompt to save even when it was unchanged. |
Rendering | |
MAYA-25074 | Fix for UV Texture Editor with legacy style plug-in shaders. |
MAYA-25246 | Fixed crash after selecting Use Selected Lights for lighting on new scene. |
MAYA-24958 | Fixed a crash with batch playblasts on Mac OS X if "-showOrnaments" is disabled. |
MAYA-24396 | Camera aim and up cannot be selected in Viewport 2.0. |
MAYA-24395 | Skinning: Mesh display is incorrect when zooming out of Viewport 2.0 while in the Paint Skin Weights Tool. |
MAYA-26489 | Batch render does not render ornaments (HUD) when using the Maya Hardware 2.0 renderer. |
MAYA-24121 | "Show ornaments" toggle does not work in Viewport 2.0 playblasts |
MAYA-17875 | Apparent interaction between viewport plug-ins and mental ray IBL “Hardware Exposure” |
Scene Assembly | |
MAYA-24498 | Fixed scene assembly issue where some edits would persist unexpectedly when switching representations. |
MAYA-25047 | MPxAssembly node compute method is now invoked when necessary. |
UI General | |
MAYA-25920 | Removed a previous windows optimization that is no longer needed, which caused a slowdown in the Graph Editor on Mac OS X and Linux. |