We have had users report that mental ray satellite 2013 is not running on some Windows 7 machines. Users have reported errors of failed connection to the satellite machine or even running the service will fail with errors.
This seems to be occurying on machines that have missing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package which contains needed libraries to run some of our prodcts correctly.
We provide the installer (vc redist_x64.exe) with our discs and our downloads. The downloaded package generally extracts to "C:\Autodesk" directory. After doing the extraction browse to the Maya directory in "C:\Autodesk" you will find the 3rd Party installer in "\3rdParty\x64\VCRedist\2010SP1\vc redist_x64.exe"
After the package gets installed everything should be working.
More information about Microsoft's Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package can be found here.
I just wanted to thank our users for making us aware of this issue.