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IS there any chance we can get a gamma corrected colour swatch picker for Maya or a setting that converts colours to linear space? Seems essential now for a rendering app.

Hello, I've just downloaded the hot fix 4 for my os x 10.7 lion.
Because the previous installation file doesn't work for 10.7, the installation failed in the end.
This hot fix can be installed, but when I launch it it only jumps on dock, the application window never shows up, and what I can do is only to force it quit....
Any idea about this?


There was an issue with the Final gather map visualization feature not working. This was fixed in Maya 2012 hf2.

What were the hotfix3 fixes? Did I miss that update?
Is the final gather map problem fixed?

Sure thing Michiel. The basic problem was that local wind had no effect when "Ignore Solver Wind" was checked.

Could you please explain what a "Local wind problem" is? I'm assuming it has something to do with the transform attributes on the nucleus node, correct?

Meaningful descriptions/titles in bug reports are much appreciated.

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