Autodesk announces the Subscription Advantage Packs for its 2011 products...
Click on the product below to access a video previews of the features in the Subscription Advantage pack:
Maya 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack
Mudbox 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack
Softimage 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack (coming soon)
3ds Max 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack
Motionbuilder 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack
The Maya 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack is available for download from the Autodesk Subscription Centre. If you have a valid subscription contract for Maya but cannot see or have problems downloading the Subscription Advantage Pack, please use this form to to request assistance.
Note: You will also need to update your installation of mental ray Satellite and mental ray Standalone to benefit from some of the fixes in this release.You do not need to uninstall Maya 2011. The Subscription Advantage Pack will be installed as Maya 2011.5
Please refer to the readme file for the complete list of issues addressed in the Maya 2011 Service Pack, which is included in the Maya 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack.
This URL will take you to the link for the Subscription Centre.
It is interesting that substance renders just fine with mentalray in max 2011 adv pack....!!! (insert long angry rant, about how max gets both iray and substance, while maya gets a remotecontrolled car... sigh!)
Also if I copy the mi and include files from the max install, I start to get a color that looks right, but no texture, I think it is because it has not been adjusted for maya UV's
Posted by: søren jacobsen | 05/10/2010 at 06:52 PM
Cool. Thanks. I guess I didn't listen to the video close enough :)
Posted by: Mike | 05/10/2010 at 09:45 AM
Mike, substance is software only, but you can bake out the texture for use in mental ray.
Posted by: CeaWongFromLongSlong | 04/10/2010 at 11:25 AM
"Substance" textures (feature in Adv. Pack) won't render in mental ray. Works fine with Maya Software render however.
The mr render in render view displays the right material but none of the textures render. I tried with Lambert and Blinn and with different Substance files but they only rendered properly with Maya Software.
I'll stick with Vanilla Maya2011_sp1. Version 1.0 of new features are usually not ready for production use anyway.
Posted by: Mike | 04/10/2010 at 06:47 AM
Thanks Owen :)
Posted by: CeaWongFromLongSlong | 01/10/2010 at 05:39 PM
Good question.
The Subscription Advantage pack includes Maya 2011 Service Pack 1. this keeps the two installations in sync.
So, for a list of bug fixes in the Maya 2011 Subscription Advantage Pack , read this:
Posted by: owen | 01/10/2010 at 10:02 AM
Will this be updated when new maya fixes are out? so they will keep in sync - and not. Are they the same maya version so a studio can have both Subscription Advantage Packs and non-SAP maya versions working on same project?
Posted by: CeaWongFromLongSlong | 30/09/2010 at 06:38 PM