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Great, I go check it out and download it right now

I downloaded the software in the students.autodesk.com website, but I'm having some serious crashing problems, I'm not sure what version I have (I got it last month), so, how do I update a student license maya software to SP1? On the website it doesn't say how nor the version I got and I'm not sure what to do. I'm on a recently bought new mac (last month also). Please help?

anyone tryed to deploy maya2011 32bit on a windows64 bit system ? 32bit on 32bit works fine, 64bit on 64bit also. but i need 32bit maya on 64 bit.
main problem is our 32 node renderfarm. uninstall maya and reinstall maya2011sp1 will take about one day. any suggestions how to speed up this process?
have to deploy maya32bit and maya64 bit on winxp64.

I recommend posting a service request with Autodesk, or if you don't have a support contract, you could post your question on the Area, or one of the many Maya related forums. We don't provide support through this blog. Sorry !

please someone say something

i am using maya 2011 64bit on Windows 7 64bit

quadro fx 1700

8gb ram

i have now maya 2009 64-bit on same pc, but its working fine.

hey, my maya crash when i delete history after using lattice on smooth surface. i had this problem since original maya 2011, and all hotfix didn't fix that problem. and now i have sp1 installed but still no fix on that problem. :( please someone help me.

Ok great, thanks for your reply Owen! Good to know that there is no need to worry about any missing identifier strings :)

Stefan, that is correct.

If you have installed the Subscription Advantage Pack, neither the splash-screen, the About Maya menu item, nor an "about -v;" will explicitly tell you that you have the Maya 2011 Service Pack installed, but you do.

In short, nothing to install if you already have the Subscription Advantage Pack on your workstation.


This is clearly a subset of the Subscription Advantage Pack, correct? Meaning no need to install it if you have installed the Subscription Advantage Pack...?

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