If you are using Maya 2011 on Linux and a Wacom tablet, you may encounter refresh problems in Maya.
To workaround this problem, download the updated library (libQtGui.so.4.5.3) and replace the library that is currently on your system. Root permission on the system is required. This library works with any Maya 2011 release.
Note: For back-up purposes, you should save a copy of the library that exists on your system to another location before replacing it. The default location of the library is: /usr/autodesk/maya2011-x64/lib.
See QTBUG-3839 for more information: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-3839.
Qt patch for Autodesk Maya 2011 Linux tablet users download
You may also want to read this post: Maya 2011 on Linux and the Hotbox
[1st October 2010] Autodesk releases Maya 2011 Service Pack 1, which contains the Qt patch referred to in this blog post, as well as several other bugfixes that will benefit Linux customers.
Thanks for the post.
Do you need to rename and overwrite the other libQTGui?
Posted by: Peter | 08/10/2010 at 07:53 PM