When rendering render layers, one may use the command
Render -r file filename.mb
However if your render contains mental ray, you can add the usual mental ray flags like so
-mr:v/mr:verbose int Set the verbosity level.
0 to turn off messages
1 for fatal errors only
2 for all errors
3 for warnings
4 for informational messages
5 for progress messages
6 for detailed debugging messages
-mr:rt/mr:renderThreads int Specify the number of rendering threads.
-mr:art/mr:autoRenderThreads Automatically determine the number of rendering threads.
-mr:mem/mr:memory int Set the memory limit (in MB).
-mr:aml/mr:autoMemoryLimit Compute the memory limit automatically.
-mr:ts/mr:taskSize int Set the pixel width/height of the render tiles.
-mr:at/mr:autoTiling Automatically determine optimal tile size.
-mr:rnm boolean Network rendering option. If true, mental ray renders
As an example using one of the above flags we can get verbose messeging.
Render -r file -mr:v 5 filename.mb
What is your mental ray vr?
Posted by: Ash Aiad | 21/05/2010 at 09:21 PM
This is a little off topic, but has anyone else been having license issues when rendering MR (batch) with render layers? It seems that at every layer stop/start, there is a license check-in and check-out. This will often cause one host, to have multiple licenses checked out. Once the job is finished, all the licenses are checked back in.
Anyone else had this problem?
Posted by: Jeff | 21/05/2010 at 08:56 PM