When trying to organize large production files, it is a good idea to use namespaces. They are easy to set up and can be used without referencing. If you want to add a namespace to some or all the nodes in Maya you will need to create the name space and then rename the objects to use it.
So for example I have an object called "sphere" in my scene:
rename "sphere" "one:sphere"; //will rename the sphere
This will do the trick to add the sphere in that namespace. If you want to change it , you can once again use the rename command to rename it to another namespace.
To keep things organize it’s also very useful to be able to list the available namespace in a current scene. For this you can use :namespaceInfo -lon;
...and off course with the magic of FBX these namespace will get carried to other apps, like Motion Builder, Mudbox.
Thankyou for the tip,
I was trying to do a scene that puts together rigs of several chars, creates connections between them and creates other nodes, groups and stuff.
My problem comes out if I put a namespaces on nodes, groups and stuff to make them named as the char I've referenced.
If I reference this scene in my animation scene (so I'll have a reference of more references) maya rename the "namespace without reference" I've created in the first scene, this if I tell it not to use namespace creating the references in the second scene.
Do you have any idea of how I could keep in my animation scene the "Namespaces without referencing" I've created in the my first scene without adding a nested namespace:
having something like namespace2:namespace1:groups
would create problems with scripts I haven't the right to touch because of productions issues
Thankyou very much in advance
Posted by: Ferruccio Busoni | 17/04/2012 at 09:35 AM