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Thankyou for the tip,
I was trying to do a scene that puts together rigs of several chars, creates connections between them and creates other nodes, groups and stuff.

My problem comes out if I put a namespaces on nodes, groups and stuff to make them named as the char I've referenced.

If I reference this scene in my animation scene (so I'll have a reference of more references) maya rename the "namespace without reference" I've created in the first scene, this if I tell it not to use namespace creating the references in the second scene.

Do you have any idea of how I could keep in my animation scene the "Namespaces without referencing" I've created in the my first scene without adding a nested namespace:
having something like namespace2:namespace1:groups
would create problems with scripts I haven't the right to touch because of productions issues

Thankyou very much in advance

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