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Today, I found the solution for that annoying problem. At work I started to test 2011 and I realizes that I had commas in the new color chooser instead of point as a separator. So, I searched the internet and someone said you have to change the regional settings or reset them. We have a mixture of English XP x64 and a German Keyboard. For Maya not such a good combination, as we know now. So, I changed everything to English and the comma in the color chooser was gone

A while ago I had a great idea, I changed my regional settings to English as well. Before they were in Dutch because of Ä Ö Ü in the German language.

And now, all sliders are working of the new color chooser. I can even type in values by hand.

Amazing Bug

Please report to Cory

why is the colour picker not working on my machine? I can use the wheel, but not the sliders? I can not change the values either. They jummp either to the left or right side? pretty annoying :(

3 Things,

Why has alpha been removed from the color picker? It was pretty useful.

It would be great to have a callback function so that while the color is changing in the picker the calling code can be notified and provide a realtime update instead of having to click OK each time.

Can't the widgets for the color picker be exposed to developers so we can use them in our tools.

Thanks :)

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