Please be aware that two flags for the MEL command frameLayout -lw (labelWidth) and -la (labelAlign) have been removed for Maya 2011.
These flags will now give a warning "The -lw/-labelWidth flag is obsolete and should not be used." when a user will try to use them.
In Maya 2011 frameLayouts look completely different; the labels are in a solid bar that stretches across the width of the layout, with a height that is only slightly greater than the label font height itself. Those flags no longer made sense in the context of this new look, and were thus removed. There is no replacement for –labelWidth and –labelAlign.
These flags will now give a warning "The -lw/-labelWidth flag is obsolete and should not be used." when a user will try to use them.
In Maya 2011 frameLayouts look completely different; the labels are in a solid bar that stretches across the width of the layout, with a height that is only slightly greater than the label font height itself. Those flags no longer made sense in the context of this new look, and were thus removed. There is no replacement for –labelWidth and –labelAlign.