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We have had some very useful assistance from different users who have sent in details of when and how the errors are occurring for them but since none of our staff have yet been able to replicate the problem ourselves progress on the solution has been slower than we would like.
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Button to disable thumbnails update in Hypershade (Python) http://mayastation.typepad.com/maya-station/2010/05/button-to-disable-thumbnails-update-in-hypershade-.html but there are comments closed. Sorry for posting here too. :)

You can use command:
cmds.evalDeferred("import thumbs")
in userSetup.py after rename script to thumbs.py.

Comments for the Python version of this script are closed, sorry for posting here.

Did you notice how, if you try the Python version, and you have Show Tooltip Help on, you cannot write

class myClass(object):

because the Script Editor will insist on adding a ( when you press return?

You get this:

class myClass(object):(

You have to click at the beginning of the next line to escape.

The comments to this entry are closed.

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