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I mean what is the objective of this post, merely informative or something more ?

I honestly didn’t watch all of it yet
Is this Shader part of the mip group (production Shaders)?

Hi Owen and Ash,

thanx for making the Masterclasses available. Great resource! I followd the video from Zap. Also, he is working wirj Max, I manage to get all the stuff to work in Maya 2010 with the help of the MR pdf.

Except one thing is missing: The illuminators. This feature doesn't seems to work in Maya, or?

In the MR PDF there is the following note:

... and the illuminators array contains any additional lights introduced by a CG element, for
example the headlights of a CG car.

I can declare the Lights, but not the Illuminators. In Maya there is only a Mode input. But I have nowhere found what is does?

Can you please shine some light on this?

Thanx a lot.

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